The project LAMBIDA will consist of 2 training courses for youth workers, first activity A1 will be held from 22.05.22 to 29.05.2022 in Limassol, Cyprus. Project consortium decided to implement the project in Limassol as project venue is close to the unique youth centers which is worth to visit with experts in digital methodologies. Hosting partner will contribute to the project involving experts from local youth NGOs (experienced youth workers) and arranging visit to local youth center and social venture. Training course A1 will gather 35 youth workers and youth leaders (including trainers and support staff) from 4 program (Cyprus, Italy, Spain, and Romania) and 4 EECA partner countries (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova). The general approach of the method setting is based on the principles of non-formal education. The learners experience will be in the focus of the attention and as described in the respective sections their wishes and needs will be taking duly into consideration. Several of the methods have a background in theatre and art therapy field (visualization and creation of theatre performances) but will be adapted in a way to be used in a youth work context without prior knowledge or technical skills. Main activities will be devoted to experiencing methods, exercises, group work, discussions, and reflections regarding application of digital youth work tools contributing to communication challenges and inclusion issues overcoming. Consortium members agreed that it crucial during the first project activity to provide to participants with "base" and main youth work methods. Apart from the creative and digital techniques, several non-formal education working methods will be applied to facilitate interactive discussions, e.g. about the challenges in working with vulnerable youth and ways of addressing/understanding their needs. On specific topics, inputs by the trainer and invited experts during the study visit will be held to deepen the knowledge. To ensure a productive follow-up planning the open space method will be applied on the last day. Training course program is logically connected stages and allows participants to learn and practice their new skills, apply methods, and receive feedback on their developments.

Day 1 - Participants are getting to know each other, participate in team building activities, explore the Erasmus+ programe and go into project idea, express their feelings and contributions (including innovative online tools and methods), team building activity

Day 2 - Participants work on questions of inclusive and involving environment in digital age, discuss challenges they faced in pandemic time together with the best practices of digital youth work during the lockdown, the place of digital methods in youth work, present best practices

Day 3 - Participants investigate the features of youth work with vulnerable youth and youth with fewer opportunities, and determine the main aspects of inclusive approach in digital youth work

Day 4 - Participants visit the local youth center and social venture, and exchange the experiences with local activists, participants explore the culture and history of inclusive Limassol

Day 5 - Participants are working on development of LAMBIDA youth work framework Part 1 for work with youth in crisis and challenging environment (including youth with fewer opportunities)

Day 6 - Participants present first results of the supportive informational campaign for LAMBIDA youth work framework Part 1, evaluate their developments, and work on national follow up plans

Role of partners

Main tasks of P1 as the coordinating and hosting organisation will be:

- General management of the implementation of the activity;

- Responsibility for financial management, including a timely travel reimbursement to participants;

- Communication with the NA in all important matters;

- Preparation of the final report and handing it on time to the National Agency;

- Preparation of program materials, provide a trainer (one more trainer will be provided by P2);

- Responsibility for providing safe and comfortable accommodation place, food and all needed materials, making all logistical arrangements;

- Promotion of the project on national level, especially in the media;

- Support for travel arrangements of participants;

- Communication with partners, preparational support;

- Preparation of program materials, provide local support staff.

All partner organizations are sharing the following tasks:

- Responsibility for providing an information package to participants in their country;

- Selection of appropriate candidates for the training course;

- Preparation of participants for the course;

- Collecting materials and presenting their organization towards the rest of the group;

- Support of participants during their local activities (between A1 and A2);

- Contribution to the project program according to the specialization and agreed duties;

- Dissemination of project results in their own country;

- Follow up activities arrangement both at local and international levels.

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