1st Activity: PDA: Youth workers LAB - Business in digital age I (LAMBIDA I)
Duration: 23 to 30 of March 2023 (including 2 travelling days)
Activity: Training at Cyprus of 32 youth workers (4 youth workers from each organization) in Digital Business with Non Formal Educational Activities.
Accomodation: Hylatio Tourist Village, Pissouri, Limassol, Cyprus. www.hylatio.com
Applicant and hosting Organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email: acpeliacy@gmail.com, www.acpelia.org
Coordinator: Nikolas Nikolaou email: nicckolas44@gmail.com
Trainers: Kateryna Priazhnikova, Evaggelia Nikolaou
Training course A1 gathered 36 youth workers and youth leaders (including trainers and support staff) from 4 program (Cyprus, Italy, Spain and Romania) and 4 EECA partner countries (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova). The preliminary selected list of participants is gender-balanced and has appropriate for Erasmus+ rules age of participants, 4 participants each team + project staff. Preliminary selected list of participants has the following age structure: about 20% of participants of 18-25 y.o., 50% - from 25 to 30 and 30% - up to 45 y.o. Each national team has at least 1 representative from 2 scopes of interests: social entrepreneurship (youth with experience or interest in social entrepreneurship, online business), youth work (participants with experience in youth work, experience of work with disadvantaged youth ). Please, find the distribution of participants in each participating group as for the field of interests and background according to preliminary agreed participants lists: P1 group: 2 - social entrepreneurship, 2 - youth work (+1 trainer, facilitator) P2 group: 3 - social entrepreneurship , 1 youth work (+1 trainer, support staff) P3 group: 1 - social entrepreneurship , 3 - youth work P4 group: 2 - social entrepreneurship , 2 - youth work P5 group: 3 - social entrepreneurship , 1 - youth work P6 group: 1 - social entrepreneurship , 3 - youth work P7 group: 2 - social entrepreneurship , 2 - youth work P8 group: 3 - social entrepreneurship , 1 - youth work As the training course will consist of international participants from different countries, language obstacles might occur, that is why the organizers will make sure that it is clear for every one not to use any discriminative terms in order to avoid offensive or misunderstanding circumstances. Moreover, the atmosphere of activities will be very peaceful that will lead participants to benefit from the skills and knowledge that they will gain during their learning. We are also strongly committed to the principle of anti-discrimination and therefore all the applying participants will be treated equally during the selection process, regardless of their political and religious opinions, social background, sexual orientation etc. The preliminary selected list of participants is gender-balanced and has appropriate for Erasmus+ rules age of participants. As the project mainly focuses on youth workers and young leaders whose interests and expertise is matching the topical sphere of the project, therefore we are not imposing any age limit. At the same time, as we want to provide participants with opportunities for international networking